The ASGP offered by Udesc has the objective to be at the cutting edge of knowledge production and also delivering high value human resources for research, education and technical support to productive sectors related to Animal Health and Production.
MASTER´S DEGREE IN ANIMAL SCIENCE (Beginning in March of 2003);
DOCTORATE DEGREE IN ANIMAL SCIENCE (Beginning in March of 2012).
Areas and Research lines:
ANIMAL HEALTH (Lines: 1. Animal health and pathology; 2. Veterinary clinic and surgery);
ANIMAL PRODUCTION (Lines: 1. Ruminant production and pasture management; 2. Non-ruminant and aquaculture).
Program Differentials (Strengths):
The ASGP of the Udesc/Lages is the only Graduate Program in the field of Animal Science in the state of Santa Catarina with Masters and Doctorate programs. The academics have access to a wide and interdisciplinary formation due to both consolidated concentration areas.
Minimum formation and other requirements for ingress:
For obtaining the title of doctor in Animal Science, it is necessary to course 48 credits in disciplines (with the possibility of using up to 24 credits from the master´s program) and 12 credits with the dissertation.
The registration for the selection process usually occurs in June and November, and the number of positions and more information is available in the call notice, usually released in May and October. The Courses are free of charge and certified by Brazilian government agency (CAPES).
Telephone number: +55 (49) 3289-9213
Program contact e-mail:
Av. Luiz de Camões, 2090 Conta Dinheiro, Lages / SC CEP: 88.520-000
Telefone: (49) 3289-9100
Horário de atendimento: 07h às 19h
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