1. Application of Chemical Compounds: synthesis, functionalization, and physical-chemical characterization; study of the relations between chemical structure and the properties of polymeric/ceramic materials and chemical compounds with technological and biological applications. In this line, we develop conducting polymers and electroactive materials, compounds containing nanoparticles, polymers and compounds applied to the medical-dentistry field, synthesis of new polymers, materials with self-regenerating capacity and bioceramics.
2. Chemical Synthesis and Analysis: development of analytical technologies and synthesis of new substances; structural and functional modifications. This line aims at recognizing, characterizing, interpreting, and analyzing these processes as follows: synthesis, characterization, reactivity, and evaluation of luminescent and biological properties of an organic compound, associated to Organic Chemistry. Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of organic trace contaminants in food and environmental samples, associated to Analytical Chemistry. Synthesis and physical-chemical properties of bioinspired coordination compounds with application in catalysis and biomedication, associated to Inorganic Chemistry.
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