MAJOR AREA - MUSIC: the field of music includes Works developed in the areas of musical education, musicology, theory, and analysis, in its interfaces with music creation and interpretation processes, appreciating this profile characterized by the articulation between fields of musical knowledge and academic and artistic production.
The field of music includes Works developed in the areas of musical education, musicology, theory, and analysis, in its interfaces with music creation and interpretation processes, appreciating this profile characterized by the articulation between fields of musical knowledge and academic and artistic production.
Theory and History
This research line encompasses researches of historical and theoretical character based on textual, musical, and audible documents. It includes the historical-musicological research from documental collections and historical and theoretical approaches to popular music.
Creative Processes
This research line focuses on musical studies in the interfaces between analytical, musicological, compositional, and music interpretation processes. It includes researches on musical poetry, artistical investigations, performances, theoretical and analytical models and ethnomusicological approaches in repositories of different sociocultural contexts.
The expressive intellectual, artistic, and bibliographical production of the MGP students reflects the impact of the program on the field of national and international music.
The integration and articulation of the research lines and projects with the undergraduate music programs (bachelor and licentiate) are one of the program´s differentials.
The scientific and artistic activities promoted by the program have wide repercussions on the community, highlighting events, concerts, lectures, and workshops.
The professors have expressive participation in the scientific and academic associations, both national (ANPPOM, ABEM, ABET, TEMA, among others), and international, such as ISME – International Society for Music Educationand IASPM - International Association for the Study of Popular Music.
The professor's performance in editing important journals, such as Opus, ABEM, MEB - Música na Educação Básica, and NUPEART. The Orfeu Journal of the PGPMUS has been consolidating itself in the field with its thematic portfolios.
The infrastructure offered by the university for the development of research projects, classes, and advising is a strong point considering the laboratories available to students and professors, the spaces for advising, and the availability of rooms equipped with computers, sound equipment, and projectors. The MGP also counts on the support of the Communication Center of the Arts Center for promoting its activities and events.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 1907 Itacorubi, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-901
Telefone: (48) 3664-8300
Horário de atendimento: 07h às 19h
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