This site was structured thinking to present all the information relevant to the Academic Master's Degree in Applied Computing from the DCC (Department of Computer Science) at UDESC-Joinville, both for those who want to enter the course and for those who have already been selected.
Prof. Mauricio Aronne Pillon, Dr.
Head of PPGCAP
PPGCAP Coordination
Prof. Mauricio Aronne Pillon (coordinator)
Phone: +55 (47) 3481 7687
Prof. Rafael Stubs Parpinelli (sub-coordinator)
Phone: +55 (47) 3481 7887
Francine Casas Schneider
Email: (portuguese/ english)
Phone: +55 (47) 3481 7894 (portuguese only)
Secretary of Education and Graduate Studies of the CCT
Susele Mussoi Rodrigues
Website: (portuguese only)
Working hours: 13h00min - 19h00min (BRT, GMT -3)
The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Course at Masters Level in Applied Computing at the Center for Technological Sciences at UDESC is offered gratis. It aims to train high-level researchers able to:
Within the philosophy of the course, the master's degree is considered an extension of the undergraduate degree, emphasizing the student's scientific apprenticeship, with responsibility above all for the development and dissemination of knowledge. Thus, it will provide the master's student with the proper professional insertion in their area of research, both in the academic and industrial spheres.
Applications to the PPGCAP will be accepted for holders of higher education diplomas in Exact / Earth Sciences or Engineering. Exceptional cases will be analyzed by the program collegiate and may be accepted by the PPGCAP.
Guidelines and standards for the selection of candidates for the PPGCAP of the Center for Technological Sciences, CCT/UDESC-Joinville, include:
A public announcement with details of the process and dates for registration and selection will be published every six months.
Research area: Computer science
Research lines:
Research Line Methodology and Computing Techniques (MTC)
Description: The research in this line focus on the development of theoretical and applied research, aiming to disseminate the production and use of methodologies, techniques, tools, and applications that contribute to the development of computing in at least one of the following main themes: Artificial Intelligence, Database, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Graphics Processing, Informatics in Education and Information Systems.
Research Line Computer Systems (SC)
Description: This line of research investigates problems and develops theoretical and applied solutions with a significant experimental basis related to high-performance computing, communication networks, distributed systems, computer security, fault tolerance, and performance evaluation.
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