The Present Time shows itself to historiography as a fruitful field of study, which continually suggests new problematizations and induces research and analysis operations to interrogate and comprehend processes and events of the 20th and early 21st centuries.
Introduced to this field of investigation, researchers can find, in historiographic approaches, ways to reorder the profusion of information, whether the ones disseminated by the media (which tend to empty the temporality of meaning), or those propagated by orality and other modalities of expression.
Through the Master and Doctorate courses, it will be possible to expand and deepen the History's potential as a form of knowledge of the profound transformations of the contemporary world, especially the great mobility of populations and its implications in terms of urbanization and identity tensions, the rearrangements in the world of work and the emergence of a virtual economy, the role of mass media and the expansion of information technologies, the emergence of new modalities of social organization and of the exercise of political action, the appreciation of memory and the institution of processes of investing heritage status, in addition to the institution of new patterns of behavior and family configurations.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2007 Itacorubí, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-001
Telefone: (48) 3664-8500
Horário de atendimento: 07h às 19h
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