The Masters and Doctorate courses in Education are organized in a concentration area - Education - which is divided into three research lines:
The research and studies developed on the line focus on the challenges posed to education in contemporary society. The line investigates the area of Education in the interfaces with communication, technology, work, cyberculture, media, innovation, art, curriculum, diversity and different languages. The themes investigated address, among other topics, the following aspects:
The media and its implications for the teaching and learning processes;
Hybrid devices and different contexts in teacher education;
Professional and technological education;
The new contexts of school education;
The intensification and precariousness of the teaching work;
Working with digital information and communication technologies at school;
Educational policies for innovation and technology insertion;
Curricular changes and innovations;
Training and professional insertion in the context of new technologies.
The Line brings together investigations that contemplate the History and Historiography of Education, particularly Brazil's and Santa Catarina's, in multiple approaches, temporalities, objects and sources. The research themes consolidated in the investigations that are articulated in this Line address:
(Auto)biographical studies, school memories, the new school, the history of the teaching profession and studies on childhood;
School culture as a historical object: theoretical and methodological foundations;
High school in Brazil in different times and places;
School printed matter interspersed with the history of book and reading and its guardian institutions such as libraries, archives and museums;
The historical-educational heritage and the material school culture.
These themes are approached from different training perspectives, in different language soils in a movement that contemplates Education in interface with History and other Social Sciences.
The line brings together research and studies that focus on educational policies, initial and continuing teacher education and debates regarding teaching in the different stages and modalities of Basic Education to Higher Education. This line includes researchers from different disciplinary fields with different theoretical and methodological approaches covering the following themes:
Civil society, state and educational policies;
Educational-pedagogical policies and training processes of education professionals;
Professional identity, teaching knowledge and practices, professionalization;
Initial and continuing teacher training;
Teaching/Learning methodologies
Management, evaluation and financing of education;
Curriculum policies and their implications in educational contexts;
Diversity and inclusion policies in teaching spaces and teacher education.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2007 Itacorubí, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-001
Telefone: (48) 3664-8500
Horário de atendimento: 07h às 19h
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