Professional Nursing in Primary Healthcare Graduate Program – PNPHGP
Program Objectives:
To contribute to the professional formation of the nurse, qualifying in healthcare practices, as well as developing new technologies to meet the national, regional, and local demands in healthcare.
Concentration areas and research lines:
PRIMARY HEALTHCARE (Lines: Work Management and Education in Healthcare; 2. Healthcare Technologies).
Program Differentials (Strengths):
The program is a pioneer in the region as the first Professional Master´s Program in the field of nursing. It presents qualified teaching staff, with a wide range of experience in the field.
Minimum formation and other requirements for ingress:
Candidates bearing a higher education diploma in nursing, recognized by the competent organs.
Form/period of ingress:
The admission system for the master´s program is annual, through the publication of a notice approved by the PNPHGP collegiate, beginning classes in the second semester (calendar year). Rules and alterations are provided in the notice.
The term for concluding the Professional Master´s Program in Nursing in Primary Healthcare abides by the relevant legislation of the Udesc, according to resolutions 025/2009 Consepe and 033/2009 Consepe, consisting in 24 months, with the possibility of a six-month extension, for exceptional cases, judged by the Program collegiate.
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