UDESC offers stricto sensu Master's and Doctoral courses, as well as lato sensu Specialization courses, and has the following guidelines established as its institutional graduate policy:
1st Guideline: The development of graduate studies aims to expand general professional qualification and to qualify professionals to work in higher education.
2nd Guideline: The creation of graduate courses, master's and doctoral programs, with their areas of concentration, must be linked to thematic areas of expertise, research groups, and research lines, in line with the University's strategic areas of activity.
3rd Guideline: The promotion of graduate courses, by facilitating partnerships with national and international universities and research institutions, aiming for interinstitutional cooperation.
4th Guideline: The consolidation of the master's and doctoral programs already implemented and those in the process of being implemented, with a view to improving their ratings by evaluation agencies.
5th Guideline: The focus of scientific production centered on the graduate programs (master's and doctoral degrees) and their respective research lines.
6th Guideline: The management and promotion of graduate studies, by the encouragement of the creation of new doctoral programs and the development of interdisciplinary programs.
7th Guideline: The continuation of promoting specialization courses.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2007 Itacorubi, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-901
Telefone: (48) 3664-8000
E-mail: contato@udesc.br
Horário de atendimento: 13h às 19h
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