Based on the analysis of changes implemented from the recommendations by field evaluators, the Program offers a coherent and consistent curricular proposal, with specific objectives and research lines, as well as a programmatic structure which reinforce the program´s identity.
Professor’s integration reveals a positive aspect that favors the program management from a perspective of co-responsibility and transparency. The teaching staff of the Professional Master´s Program of the ESAG/UDESC is periodically updated on the demands of the program regarding academic and technical performance. These include encompassing research development, individual and articulated (with other professors and groups) scientific production, results of group researches, advising and defense deadlines, integration activities with the society, technological production, definitions and fulfillment of the professor performance chart, and integration with education and extension within the University.
University regulations allow the reduction of the workload for professors involved in stricto sensu education activities, favoring the commitment to research and advising while demanding minimum participation in undergraduate education. This allows the professors dedicated to research and graduate programs to engage in undergraduate activities.
The encouragement to the scientific and technological production of the teaching staff, articulated with the overall performance of the professor in the institution and consequent career promotion, brings better results, demonstrated by the increase in academic-scientific production.
The Professional Master’s Program in Administration presents the maximum score in the CAPES evaluation, wich is 5.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2037 Itacorubí, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-001
Telefone: (48) 3664-8200
Horário de atendimento: 13h às 19h
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