Based on the analysis of changes implemented from the recommendations of field evaluators, we recognize in the Program a coherence and consistency of curricular proposal, with specific objectives and research lines, reinforcing the program’s identity. During the institutional evaluation process, the self-evaluation of the AGP concerns the pedagogical project of the program, including interdisciplinarity and complementarity; the characteristics, scientific production advising, and performance of the teaching staff; social influence, national and international insertion; and infrastructure of the program. The dynamicity and flexibility are also considered for the implementation of improvements, which are continuous and permanent, consonant to the evaluation process.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2037 Itacorubí, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-001
Telefone: (48) 3664-8200
Horário de atendimento: 13h às 19h
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