Program Objectives:
The Graduate in Materials Science and Engineering Program – MSEGP, of the Udesc (Santa Catarina State University) has the mission of forming human resources with high-level qualifcation in the feld of materials engineering, in addition to:
1. Forming trained and qualifed professionals at the Masters and Doctorate levels to act in the profes- sional market, especially in the regional industries and in higher education institutions; 2. Enhance the scientifc-professional expertise of the postgraduate students;
3. Develop research projects in partnership with na- tional and international industries and academic institutions;
4. Study and develop new materials and processes that contribute to the establishment of a tech- nology suited to the conditions of the region and country;
5. Develop scientifc and technological research in excellence level compatible with national and in- ternational demands of Science and Technology development fostering;
6. Allow the University to occupy its space as a lead- ing element in technological innovation, with the insertion of regional and national economies through the capacity of developing education and transferring the high-standard scientifc and tech- nical research results.
Masters degree in materials science and engineering (Beginning in 01/01/1995);
Doctorate in materials science and engineering (Be- ginning in 01/01/2010).
Concentration areas and research lines:
CERAMICS (Lines: 1. Ceramics and bioceramics; 2. Processes and development of ceramics and bioc- eramics; 3. Recycling and reuse of solid residues);
METALS (Lines: 1. Surface engineering; 2. Powder metallurgy; 3. Processes and development of metals and alloys);
NUMERICAL MODELING OF MATERIALS AND PRO- CESS SIMULATION (Line: Simulation methods applied to materials);
POLYMERS (Line: Processes and development of polymers).
Program Differentials (Strengths):
1. Excellent infrastructure for conducting mechanical tests and researches;
2. Teaching staff composed of experienced and quali- fed professionals with a diverse formation, which remains stable throughout the years;
3. The MSEGP presents a strong interaction with the regional industry, from which derives approxi- mately 50% of the postgraduate students, both from the masters and doctorate programs;
4. The professors of the MSEGP develop research activities with undergraduate students through scien- tifc training scholarships - PIBIC (CNPq) and PRO- BIC (Udesc). This research activity has improved the integration between undergraduate students, mas- ters/doctorate students, and advisors, which also increases the quality of education and research;
5. The professors of the MSEGP teach mandatory disciplines for the undergraduate programs of the Udesc, especially for the Mechanic Engineer- ing course. They also offer optional disciplines as special topics for students at the end of the undergraduate program in Mechanic Engineering. This has increased the level of the undergraduate classes and awakened the interest of the students in progressing their studies at a Masters level;
6. The teaching practice of the MSEGP students is usually conducted in disciplines of the undergrad- uate program of Udesc (such as Mechanic Con- struction Materials, Experimental Chemistry, and others), and is well evaluated undergraduate and post-graduate students. The MSEGP is a consoli- dated program. The Master’s program is a refer- ence in the state of Santa Catarina and directly contributes for the regional growth. The evolution is directly related to the offer of the Doctorate program in the sense of giving continuity to the high-level researches and provide signifcant de- mand for these programs in the region.
Minimum formation and other requirements for in- gress:
DOCTORATE PROGRAM: registration to the Doctor- ate Program selection process will be accepted from holders of Master´s degree in a feld associated to the area of concentration of the program, obtained in pro- grams recognized by the Ministry of Education – MEC or State Education Council – CEE, approved by CAPES.
MASTER´S PROGRAM: registrations to the Master´s Program will be accepted from holders of Engineer- ing degree, bachelor or licentiate degree in Physics, Chemistry, Architecture and Mathematics, Medicine, Dentistry, Biology and Biochemistry, and other tech- nological diplomas in correlated areas to materials science and engineering.
Form/period of ingress:
DOCTORATE: Candidate selection will take place in a single stage: written exam. Rules and alterations will be provided in the Call Notice.
MASTER´S PROGRAM: Candidate selection will take place in two stages: 1) Written exam (60% of the evalu- ation); 2) Documentary analysis and interview (40%). Rules and alterations will be provided in the Call Notice.
Selection/Ingress Notice:
Teaching staff:
Program website:
Telephone number: +55 (47) 3481-7828.
Program contact e-mail: Ver email
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