UDESC evaluation system Ranges from 0.00 to 10 points, which is approved by the academic who achieve an average grade equal to or greater than 7.00 points and frequency not less than 75% (seventy-five percent). The student who does not reach the average of 7.00 will be compulsorily in recovery exams/retake tests. Students will fail with a final grade lower than 5.00.
UDESC uses the credit system “hours in the classroom.” It does not include homework, reading, and other activities.
1 UDESC credit = 18 hours of instruction in the classroom.
The student's achievement in each discipline will be expressed by one of the following concepts:
I - A = Excellent, with a right to credit;
II - B = Good, with a right to credit;
III - C = Regular, with a right to credit;
IV - D = Disapproved, without a right to credit;
V - AC = Use of credit in a discipline studied outside the UDESC;
VI - R = Insufficient frequency;
VII - I = Incomplete.
For academic registration, the following equivalences shall be adopted:
A = 9.0 to 10.0;
B = 8.0 to 8.9;
C = 7.0 to 7.9;
D = Less than 7.0;
AC, R, and I = Do not have note assignments.
Av. Madre Benvenuta, 2007 Itacorubi, Florianópolis / SC CEP: 88.035-901
Telefone: (48) 3664-8000
E-mail: comunicacao@udesc.br
Horário de atendimento: 13h às 19h
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