Welcome to UDESC, Brazil. It is a pleasure to have you as a student.
We listed below some initial procedures to assist you in the first steps as a UDESC student:
1 - Registration
You will be automatically enrolled based on your approved study plan, so you don't need to be here presential to be registered.
During the first week of classes, there will be a period to adjust your enrollment and change any courses you might want.
So if you need to adjust, you must go to the 'Secretaria Academica' of your College (undergraduate or graduate) provided with all the registration process documents, especially your passport and Study Plan for registration for the chosen courses.You can prove your student status in the registration document for many purposes, such as Federal Police, Library, Discounts (transport and others), CPF procedures, etc.
If you have a UDESC buddy, ask him to be with you at this moment. They can be helpful in many ways, including showing the campus, translating, and providing extra help. Don't you have a UDESC buddy? Please send an email to scii.reitoria@udesc.br
2 - Polícia Federal/Federal Police
Every student / foreign researcher must register with the Federal Police within 90 days of arriving in Brazil (it is unnecessary for those with Brazilian nationality).
Students will receive an email from SCII/Udesc* with the documents asked by Policia Federal.
With all documents gathered, students must answer the email to SCII/Udesc, which will do all the processes to schedule an appointment for the student at Policia Federal.
*SCII/Udesc = Udesc's International Office.
3 - Internet/WIFI (only possible the day after the registration)
Access id.udesc.br/ and click on “Esqueci minha senha”(Forgot my password);
And then, “Começar”(Start);
In the "CPF" field, inform your passport number (the same number that you report at the application) and fill in the following field with the code that appears below;
An email (the same email that you informed at the application) will be sent to you with a code and a link to make your password;
After accessing the link you received by email, inform the code you received and fill in the blank with the code that appears below;
Now you can inform the password as you like, retype it below and click “Enviar”(send);
Your password must have at least six characters, capital letter, short letter, and numbers.
You can access Udesc’s Wi-Fi(eduroam or WL-udesc).
Obs: UDESC is part of EDUROAM wifi.
4 - Academic System / SIGA
Access siga.udesc.br/ and click on “Não tem ou esqueceu a senha”(I do not have a password or forgot it);
And then, “Conectar”(Start);
In the "CPF" field, inform your passport number (the same number that you report at the application) and fill in the following field with the code that appears below;
An email (the same email that you informed at the application) will be sent to you with a code and a link to make your password;
Keep following the instructions from the email received.
5 - Student Buscard - Florianópolis
Where does it? SETUF/TICEN(Terminal Central)
You will need the following documents:
- Passport/ID
- Proof of Enrollment/Registration;
- Proof of Address (Electricity Bill/water bill). This document does not need to be in your name + the landlord declaration
- Buses Lines and Companies that will be often used.
Where to find the bus lines? http://www.consorciofenix.com.br/horarios
Registration Fee: R$ 3,70
Download the App. Fenix
6 - CPF – Cadastro de Pessoa Física
Obs: do it abroad, before arrival, at Brazilian embassies. It's much more accessible.
CPF (Cadastro da Pessoa Física) is quite a social number necessary in Brazil in some situations.
If students might need or want to open a bank account, purchase any assets in Brazil, such as a cell phone, and record in public and private services, they will need a CPF.
In addition, the student will need it to make the TRI transportation card (more information below), which gives discounts on various services, including transportation, movies, theater, and soccer games.
To the CPF, the student must go to any Bank of Brazil agency or the post office, respond to data requested by the attendant, and then pay a fee of R $ 5.70. To perform this procedure, the student must have the Federal Police Protocol (document provided by the Federal Police after the process described above) and the passport in hand so that the CPF payment slip is issued.
After 48 hours, the student must go to the Receita Federal carrying the following:
Some documents in which the parent's names (parentage) appear, if this information is not included in the passport.
The receipt of the CPF number is immediate, but the card will be sent to the address provided by the student within one or two weeks.
Tip: We suggest the student request their CPF at the Bank of Brazil branches and not in the post offices. In the bank, the procedure is computerized, and all data is completed on the computer, which is much faster; at post offices, all processing is done manually and takes longer.
7 - Visa Renewal
The application in the procedures for the extension of the temporary visa/student visa, items I, IV, VI, and VII of article 13 of Law 6815/80, is carried out in only one stage, with completion of the form "Registro Nacional de Estrangeiro," at Federal Police website, collection of biometric and biographical data, registration with SIAPRO and collection of proof of payment of the fees and documents listed in the annex to Portaria MJ nº 04 / 2015.
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